0208 848 9988 mail@edclord.com

Probate Dispute Resolution



Certified Quality

We are accredited with the Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS) by the Law Society which is the recognised quality mark for legal experts in drafting Wills and administering Estates. We follow best practice procedures and meet the highest standards of technical expertise and client service.

Probate Dispute Resolution

Sometimes you may feel you or a loved one have not been treated right by someone you are close with in their lifetime or following their death.

Such a dispute may be about whether an Attorney or the Government have not looked after an elderly person or the true ownership of a property or a Will or an Estate of a someone who has died.

Please read the 12 different scenarios and if you feel any one of them may apply to you or a loved one then please contact our Private Client Department on 0208 848 9988






  1. No way could Mum have understood that Will and excluded me.
  2. I am sure he put pressure on Dad to make those changes in his Will.
  3. Mum did not include me in her Will and I have more need than the Charities in her Will.
  4. Over the years I paid so much more towards the house than my Co-owner and I should be entitled to get a bigger share.
  5. I gave up so much on the promise of getting the house after his death and now he has gone I must leave the house with nothing.
  6. The Executor must be wrong. I should get more than this.
  7. It is time the Executor be replaced as he has done nothing to administer the Estate.
  8. No wonder there was nothing in her Estate — the Attorney took everything when she was alive.
  9. I am one of a number of beneficiaries of a Trust and have received nothing. The Trustees must be ignoring me.
  10. My Dad is so ill and has to pay his care fees. Surely when someone is so ill the NHS should pay them.
  11.  looked after Mum in her house and now she is in Residential Care I must leave so her house can be sold to pay her care fees.
  12. The Social Services make all of the decisions for her. Sometimes I feel she is a prisoner.

Probate Team and Support Staff

Tom Urwin

Tom Urwin

Partner - Head of Probate Department

Tel: 0208 862 8888


Nick Goodheart

Nick Goodheart

Senior Solicitor - Probate Department

Adrien Goodheart

Adrien Goodheart

Probate Handler

Tel: 0208 862 8888


Anna Russell

Anna Russell

Solicitor - Probate Department

Robin Kamal

Robin Kamal

Solicitor - Probate Department

Tel: 0208 862 8888


Anita Drawmer

Anita Drawmer

Assistant to Robin Kamal

Catherine Owen

Catherine Owen

Legal Assistant

Karen Powell

Karen Powell

Assistant to Tom Urwin

Sue Toogood

Sue Toogood

Assistant to Nick Goodheart/Anna Russell